Nik said:
herman said:
Make full coverage mandatory, be it cage or visor/cage combo, and get rid of the silly 4-min penalty for a highstick that bleeds.
I really don't get what the beef is with the double minor rule. Like, if it's just that it means that the difference between 2 and 4 is fairly arbitrary and down to chance then, sure, but most high sticks are unintentional and the difference between them hitting a guy and being a penalty at all is likewise fairly arbitrary and down to chance. All it does is just, hopefully, provide added disincentive to be careless with your stick.
I think you picked the right wording here: hope is not a plan to protect player health and safety. Pretty much every other hockey and stick+ball league has gone with the route to eliminate grievous facial injuries by implementing full protective coverage. Trying to disincentivize with an extra minor for accidentally making someone bleed is arbitrary as you say, and clearly ineffectual (especially if a followthrough high stick is for some reason A-OK).
Go full coverage, and no one has to lose their career to a freak stick to eye mishap, and the league gets to have more players drawing fans/eyeballs to games, especially when the risk is so easily mitigated. If people think this will give players license to start whacking faces, then refs are still well within their duty to call a slash, or intent to injure.
Side benefit: bye bye fighting.